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Petition Drive

Thanks for your support!
(Donation is not tax deductible)


Petitions at the Dog Park Starts May 25th, T-W-Th, 8-10 a.m.

Signing and Training Sessions

TIME: Tuesdays-Wednesdays-Thursdays, 8-10 a.m. (between May 25th and August 1st)
WHERE: The Dog Park Parking Lot at LaRonde Shopping Center Westside
N Thunderbird Blvd just west of Del Webb Blvd, behind Washington Federal Savings Bank

Click here for MAP!

Pick up circulator documents

WHERE: UPS "Send Me" Store
Talisman & Del Webb Bl at LaRonde Shopping Center Eastside
(Tivoli Gardens Parking lot) 



(Make sure petition is printed double-sided with petition on one side and Affidavit on the other.)

click here to download file--Petition P-01 Art. IX Recall

click here to download file--Petition P-02 Art. VIII Bylaws

click here to download file--Flyer & Instructions

click here to download file--Sorry We Missed You flyers (4 per page)

click here to download file--Telephone Voice Mail Script

Yard signs.  



Pick them up at the dog park or call 933-6192 to arrange to pick one up.  We're telling people to pull in and sign a petition.  When you're home put one out and take it down when you are unavailable.  These signs will also be used to advertise the petition drive during the petition drives.  Then, return them to us for the next petition drive.  Thanks for volunteering!



Complete a page, sign and notarize it; then return it with copies for data entry! 
Then start another page and repeat the process until we reach 4,000!!! 

click here to download file---Tally as of 6/3/10

Send completed & notarized P-01 & P-02 petitions with copies to: 

Anne Randall Stewart
10526 W Tropicana Cir
Sun City, AZ  85351

Questions?  Call 623-933-6192 or



Changing RCSC Articles of Incorporation

     With the removal of Director Ann Ullman for "personal reasons", we want to change Article IX to remove the board's power to recall board members without a membership vote.
     With the board's changing of the quorum for membership meetings from 100 to 3600 and shortening the deadline for petition drives to get 3600 signatures from six months to three, we want to change Article VIII to remove the board's power to write bylaws and board policies without a membership vote. 
     Noel Kasper negotiated with the RCSC according to Board Policy #5 procedures for approval to circulate two petitions that would bring initiatives to the members for a ballot vote. The petitions are required to contain the signatures of ten percent of the voting members as of the previous July 1, which is approximately 3600.  We are seeking 4000 to allow for disqualified signatures.
     Following are the latest updates as we proceed toward obtaining the Membership vote.


UPDATE 5/14/2010: 

Because of circumstances beyond our control, instead of May 18th, we will resume the petition drive on May 25th until August 1st at the Dog Park location from 8 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

UPDATE 5/1/2010: 

On April 29, 2010, Noel Kasper informed the RCSC board that we had not reached 3,583 signatures by the deadline the board had imposed on us by amending a bylaw that shortened the deadline from six months to three.  He said we had over 1,300 signatures which was more than the board members got to get elected.  He also told them we will continue collecting signatures.  He thanked all those who signed and circulated and said he appreciated their continued support.
The petition drive continues to the real deadline which is August 1st.  We are taking a summer hiatus and will resume the petition drive on May 18 until July 29 at the Dog Park location from 8 to 10 a.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
We are also recruiting volunteers for this petition drive and for a future petition drive: to amend the Articles of Incorporation to reduce the needed signatures to call a membership vote down to a simple and constant 1,000.  A call for a vote should be hard enough to make frivolous interference of board actions difficult, yet not so hard that the members are kept from holding the board accountable for their actions.


UPDATE 4/6/2010: 

On March 29, 2010, Noel Kasper rejected Petition P-03 to recall the board as to "form and timing."  He requested Vance Coleman be added and that the recall start on Oct. 1st.  The reason for the recall is the board's thwarting of "the action of Members" which is guaranteed by the RCSC Articles of Incorporation to prevail in a dispute between the Members and the board as to the bylaws, etc.  Contrary to the best interests of the Members, the board increased the Membership meeting quorum to 3600, decreased the deadline for petition circulation from six months to three, refused access to the facilities for petition and flyer circulation, and refused debate of the issues in the Sun Views.


UPDATE 2/9/2010: 

On February 9, 2010, the SCFR starts collecting petition signatures and training circulators at the Dog Park on Thunderbird Rd at Del Webb (LaRonde Shopping Center Westside) from Noon to 2 p.m. daily until we reach our goal.  Come sign and help us bring to a membership ballot vote changes to the RCSC Articles of Incorporation that will require membership ratification for the board to recall board members or write bylaws, board policies, or any other regulation that will "change the contract" from when you bought into Sun City.  These changes will head us in the right direction to gain control over the board's excessive spending and assessing that has created unrest and uncertainty for seniors living on fixed income.  JOIN US!  


UPDATE 2/6/2010: 

On February 6, 2010, the SCFR held its first meeting to begin this historic petition drive to remove the RCSC board's power to recall board members or write bylaws, etc., without a membership vote.  We are signing people up on the two petitions and training them to sign up others.  JOIN US!  


UPDATE 1/28/2010: 

On January 28, 2010, Noel Kasper requested a recall petition.  He had to deliver it at the board meeting instead of the Membership meeting because the board-created quorum of 3500 wasn't achieved. 

click here to download request for recall petition


UPDATE 1/6/2010: 

On January 6, 2010, we received approval of the petition language by the new RCSC President Gene Westmeier.  We responded by sending him the copies of the two petitions and the draft of the flyer language.  We are waiting for corrections or approval.  If approved, the RCSC will set petition drive numbers and the start date, at which time the clock starts ticking.  We'll have 90 days to gather 4,000 signatures. 

Contact Anne Randall StewartPHONE_Ringing.GIF
 Phone: (623) 933-6192
Cell: (602) 318-0708



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