Angelo B. Zappella Golf Course Superintendent, Retired Sun City Homeowner
10301 Snead Drive Sun City, AZ 85051 (623) 972-5288
WORK EXPERIENCE: El Mirage Country Club
(El Mirage, AZ)
Position: Manager and Superintendent (1994-1998) Goal:
To improve golf course conditions and create more income for the owner, with a $225,000 annual budget, including the Pro Shop
and 100% overseeding. Accomplishments: Hired four excellent Pro
Shop Managers who did the job professionally, making the superindendent job easier. The good shape of the
golf course and the pleasant atmosphere of the Pro Shop contributed to the achievement of our goals, all accomplished within
the budget constraints.
Round Hill Country Club (Sandwich, MA)
Position: Director of Golf and Redesigner of Golf Course (March 6, 1989, to March 1, 1991)
Goal: To reorganize the complete facility with the intention of increasing profits and cutting costs. Accomplishments: Redesigned the golf course, built new tees and greens, and installed
new sections of watering system, resulting in the Round Hill Country Club being voted most improved and number one course
on Cape Cod, moving up from last position in 1988, after only 18 months. Revenues increased by more than 100%.
Glen Ellen Country Club (Millis, MA)
Golf Pro, Pro Shop Manager, Greens Superintendent (March 1, 1980, to March 5, 1989) Goal:
(Glen Ellen Country Club was owned by Daniel Striar.) To take Glen Ellen Country Club, Round Hill Country Club of Massachusetts,
and Pine Island Country Club of Florida from bankruptcy to profit despite limited budgets. Accomplishments:
Accomplished these goals, e.g., Glen Ellen Country Club was showing a loss of $75,000. After redesigning the golf
course and solving a severe drainage problem, the course had a profit of $1,200,000 for the 1988 season. Purchased all
equipment at the best possible prices, keeping costs down. Managed Pro Shop generating sales of $120,000 in1988.
Since departing The Glen Ellen Country Club, it has gone bankrupt 3 times to date.
Hopedale Country
Club (Hopedale, MA)
Position: Club Manager (March
5, 1974, to February 28, 1980) Goal: Work under supervision of the Board
of Directors. Accomplishments: Complete charge of the facilities, including
the 19th Hole food service, Pro Shop and collection of the greens fees. Owned and kept in repair the fleet of golf carts
as well as marshalling the golf course.
EDUCATION: University of Rhode Island Agricultural
School (Providence, RI) COURSE: Golf Course Maintenance (Annual Course) (1980-1990) E-Z Go Golf Cart Repair School, Pleasant Valley Country Club (Sutton, MA)
COURSE: Golf Club Maintenance and Repair (1981) Golf Equipment Repair and Manufacturing School (Blue
Rock, MA) COURSE: Golf Club Maintenance and Repair (1981) Milwaukeematic
Milling Machine School (Milwaukee, WI) COURSE: Hydraulics and Electonics (1964)
COMMENTS BY ZAPPELLA: Before I could become a Golf Course
Superintendent, for 5 years I had to work as a pro-greenskeeper under the guidance of Tony Guermelli, one of the best Pros
and Greens Superintendents in New England.
Over my career I have been supervising all aspects of golf
course operation, i.e., Pro Shop, cart rental and repair, greens superintendent, including construction of greens, tees, fairways,
and installation of watering systems. Golf Course Construction: From 1980 to 1991, I was
employed at two golf courses in Massachusetts and was consultant to one course in Florida, which were all owned by the
Striar family. I constructed greens and tees and redesigned fairways to improve drainage at the same time I installed
the watering systems.
Greens Superintendent: While I was doing the construction work
I was also Greens Superintendent of the crews involved in general maintenance and day-to-day care of the golf courses.
The crews varied in size from a winter season low of 3 workers to a full crew of 7 at the height of the New England golf season.
During the off season I worked with the mechanics doing the seasonal overhaul of all the equipment, including the fleet of
golf carts.
I attended schools in Hopedale, MA, and the University of Rhode Island, including their yearly seminars
to keep up with the latest information. I also attended courses in machine repair, golf club manufacture, and repair
of all kinds of golf carts, both electric and gasoline. I have operated bulldozers, frontend loaders and
all equipment involved in golf course construction and maintenance. I can also repair the equipment when it is necessary.
---Angelo Zappella